A sight on the Kazakh prose within the context of Turkiye turkology
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Ключевые слова:
Hikâye, Äñgime, Hikâyecilik, Kazak Edebiyatında Hikâyecilik, Sözlü Edebiyat, Yazılı EdebiyatАннотация
A story, or in other words, a set of narratives in the form of prose conveys real or near-real
events or fictions. Almost every nation has its own unique sense of story and storytelling. Every nation
wants to build an identity for itself and to create this identity, it uses its culture as a material and realizes
it in various expressions. These narratives are first verbal and then standardization continue to live in a
written form. People have stereotyped their narratives, which they have progressed in writing form over
time, on the basis of storytelling.
The culture, religion and language of the Kazakh people are reflected very effectively through
“äñgimeler”. “Äñgimeler” means stories which Turkish equivalent of this word pronounced as “hikaye”.
Carrying traces of the wars, famines, cultural and national consciousness of the Kazakh people in their
past, the äñgimes are a kind of identity of the Kazakh nation. The storytelling of the Kazakh nation, like
most nations, first started with oral literature, then it was passed to written literature in the context of the
stories being permanent. In this study, it is aimed to give information about the storytelling journey of the
Kazakh people from past to present.