The place and function of the word «Hep» in Old Turkish in teaching Turkish as a foreign language

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  • В. Онджул
  • С. Озтюрк

Ключевые слова:

Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, The word hep in old Turkish, The pronoun hepsi.


In recent years, the increase in the number of students coming to Turkey for university education
and the immigrant population has caused academicians to interested in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Therefore, the production of articles, presentations, and course materials on how to make the most accurate and
effective teaching has increased. As the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language is not as old as the teaching
of English, French or German as a foreign language, there is not enough knowledge about the teaching of some
grammar structures.
In this study, the historical transformation of the word hep from old Turkish to modern Turkish and the
difficulties experienced by learners who learn Turkish as a second language by learning the word and the errors
in its use were examined. As a method, one of the Qualitative Research Methods, the Document Review Method,
was used. The development of the word hep from old Turkish to today was reviewed in sources and examined
how it was used in writing assignments of 50 students who learned Turkish as a foreign language.
As a result, it was found in the data that the adverb hep was confused with the word bütün, which is an
adjective, and that there were many errors in their use as pronouns in the form of hepsi/ hepimiz/ hepiniz. In
order to correct these errors, it is recommended to teach based on word types, to give the difference in the use of
the word as an adverb and pronoun, and to show that the word bütün will be used instead if it is desired to be
used as an adjective. It is believed that this type of teaching is necessary since most native speakers also do not
know the linguistic structures of their language.




Как цитировать

Онджул, В., & Озтюрк, С. (2021). The place and function of the word «Hep» in Old Turkish in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия: Политические науки. Регионоведение Востоковедение. Тюркология, 137(4), 204–212. извлечено от