On The Word “Ortan/Orton” in Turkish Dialects And Altay Turkish

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  • Айше Илкер

Ключевые слова:

Altai language, Turkish language, Turkic languages, Orton, ortan.


Turkish is a language spoken in thewidest geography oftheworld in terms ofits area of spread and
thatdates back to the ancient centuries in terms ofits historicalroots.Thanks to thehistorical and contemporary
dialects of such a wide and deep language, it is perfectly natural to encounter many similarities in the local
dialects of these dialects within terms of phonetics and morphology, semantics and syntax. However, it is sometimes surprising to encounter phonological, formal and semantic similarities between dialects and local
dialects that have been distant for centuries and have hardly had any connection in terms of social and cultural
contact in the contemporary period. One of these is the Word “ortan” which is used in local dialects of Turkish
especially to referto themiddle,thatis,the second ofthe three children and the word “orton”; which isalsoused
in Altai Turkish to refer to the order among the children in themeaning of the one in the middle. In the article;
the geographical areas where the words ortan/orton are used as an adverb in Turkish local dialects and Altai
Turkish have been researched from written sources and shown together with theirmeanings while bothsemantic
and structural analysis have been tried to be conducted. In this analysis; the meanings and uses of the words
orta/ortu/ortun have been taken into consideration since theOrkhon Inscriptions through Divanu Lügati’t-Turk,
Radloff’s Dictionary ofTurkish Dialects Essay and SirGerard Clauson’s work titled “An Etymological Dictionary
of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish”. Moreover; the meaning and functional characteristics of suffixes attached
to the noun or/ort and verb stems or-/ort- have also been tried to be determined through the etymological
informational evaluation conducted by Tuncer Gülensoy. In addition; the metathesis version of the word otra/
otru has been evaluated. It has been shown that the word “ortan”; which is mentioned in the Compilation
Dictionary and means “the seam in the kerchief”, has the same semantic characteristics. Thus; both structural
and semantic analyses of the words “ortan/ortun”; which are used in two written languages/dialects and the
local dialects thereofliving in verydistant geographies have been tried to be revealed.Themain objective ofthis
article is not to reach a conclusion in terms of etymology but to show the historical etymology of this common
use in Altai Turkish and Turkish dialects and to interpret thatit is still alive in the local dialects. The basis of this
interpretation lies in the idea that Oghuz Turks and Altai Turks had close contact with each other in the ages
when the first written data of Turkish were revealed.




Как цитировать

Илкер, А. (2022). On The Word “Ortan/Orton” in Turkish Dialects And Altay Turkish. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия: Политические науки. Регионоведение Востоковедение. Тюркология, 141(4), 195–205. извлечено от https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/392