Current issues of economic diplomacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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  • K.Ch. Baissultanova


economic diplomacy, commercial diplomacy, public organizations, trade and economic relations, export, Kazakhstan, strategic partners


At present, the increasing complexity of international relations has a comprehensive impact on foreign economic relations. It is known that economic issues always occupy an important place in the system of international relations. Political and economic factors in the current world conjuncture strongly influence the world market, creating a number of problems in the promotion and realization of national products. Supporting domestic business at the international level and creating favorable conditions for the promotion of its products in foreign markets is one of the urgent tasks of state policy. In this case, the correct use of economic diplomacy opportunities will have a positive impact on the prosperity of the country and contribute to the realization of foreign economic goals. Economic diplomacy occupies a special place in increasing the competition of the national economy at the level of the world market. The author believes that in the current conditions of international relations, the Republic of Kazakhstan can develop the national economy by expanding mutual trade and economic partnerships with foreign countries. Strengthening economic diplomatic ties of Kazakhstan will also have a positive impact on the political and economic climate of the region, creating favorable conditions to attract investment and ample opportunities for further increasing cooperation with far and near abroad.

These issues highlight the importance of studying economic diplomacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and understanding its essential component, commercial diplomacy. This article attempts to analyze the peculiarities of economic diplomacy in Kazakhstan and the activities carried out by government agencies and non-governmental organizations in this direction. The author defines the role of economic diplomacy in assessing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, their adaptation to foreign markets, and determining the competitiveness of domestic goods in the international market.



How to Cite

Baissultanova К. (2023). Current issues of economic diplomacy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 144(3), 37–46. Retrieved from



Political Sciences