The importance of soft power and soft power tools in us foreign policy

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  • M.K. Анламасова
  • Р.Т. Жапарова
  • А.Ж. Мукажанова

Ключевые слова:

soft power, the USA, soft power tools, NGOs, values.


Soft power is one of the tools used by the USA to achieve its goals in the international
arena. With its soft power tools, the USA tries to shape the ideas and beliefs, economic, political, social
and cultural values of other societies and to legitimize its foreign policy attitudes and behaviors in their
eyes. In other words, it tries to create an international policy environment that can carry out its policies
comfortably with soft power tools. In this framework, the study examines the soft power policy and
tools of the USA.




Как цитировать

Анламасова M. ., Жапарова, Р., & Мукажанова, А. (2021). The importance of soft power and soft power tools in us foreign policy. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия: Политические науки. Регионоведение Востоковедение. Тюркология, 135(2), 7–20. извлечено от