Editorial policy

A full version of the journal's editorial policy is available at the link.

The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, professors, and young scientists interested in current problems of political science, international relations, regional studies, oriental studies and Turkology. Keeping the traditional commitment to the tasks of consolidation of Kazakhstan political science community on the basis of a combination of applied differentiation and interdisciplinary ties of political science, breadth of methodological approaches, the journal publishes studies on a wide range of substantive and thematic areas, an incomplete list of which includes:

- theory and methodology of political science;

- comparative studies in the field of political science;

- political sociology;

- political philosophy and philosophy of politics;

- the study of international relations and international security problems;

- the study of the processes of globalization and transnationalization of politics;

- the study of political culture, political ideology and political identity, identity politics;

- problems of integration processes in the world;

- the study of the politics of regulating interethnic and interethnic conflict and the problems of nation-building in the modern world;

- institutional political science;

- the study of party-political systems and political regimes;

- the study of regional politics;

- applied political research;

- applied research in the fields of Orientalism and Turkology; - conflict and security studies;

- political analysis and forecasting of public administration problems;

- influence of digitalization on socio-political processes in society;

- history of international relations;

- theory of international relations;

- modern problems of international relations and foreign policy;

- current issues of global and regional security;

- modern problems of world economy and regional studies;

- topical problems of Oriental Studies and Turkology.

Adherence to the above principles and content and thematic priorities is important when making an expert decision on the publication of a manuscript in the journal.

Thematic area: political sciences, international relations, regional studies, oriental studies, Turkology.

Languages of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, Arabic.

Frequency: 4 times a year.

Open Access Policy. Articles of the journal are directly available to everyone (link to the archive of articles http://bulpolit.enu.kz/) based on the principle that free open access to the results of research contributes to the increase of universal knowledge.

Archiving. E-versions of the scientific journal are provided to JSC "NCSTE" for the formation of the fund and inclusion in the e-library.

The journal archives materials in Elibrary.ru.

Conditions of publication. All manuscripts received by the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University" undergo mandatory anonymous review. Based on the reviews received, the editorial board of the journal makes the final decision.