Cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea in the environmental sphere and its impact on the East Asian region

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ecology, air pollution, politics, cooperation, fine dust, East Asian region, PRC, Republic of Korea, International Relations


In this article, the authors consider the issues of cooperation between China and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of Ecology. Recently, severe air pollution in China is becoming a serious environmental problem in East Asia. Air pollutants from China are becoming the main external factor in the deterioration of air quality in the Republic of Korea. Fine dust is transported over long distances, and under conditions of high concentration in the air, it looks like fog. Over the past few years, the Korean government and the PRC government have actively promoted policies to reduce "fine dust" and improve the air in the region. The solution of air pollution problems between South Korea and China involves the consideration of the issue of reducing air emissions by the PRC, expanding cooperation between the two states in the field of Environmental Policy. The study of environmental cooperation between the PRC and the Republic of Korea, the analysis of current issues in the field of Ecology on the basis of fine dust and the results of bilateral cooperation will determine the outcome of the environmental problem in the region. The main approach and method of studying this topic of research is"case studies", empirical methods of content analysis and information collection. In the article, the authors tried to use the most relevant data to help future readers conduct research. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the need to create conditions for the unhindered promotion of cooperation in the field of the air environment and the development of environmental cooperation between Korea and China is the priority task of the two states.



How to Cite

Kabirova А., Kilybaeva П., & Koshanova С. (2024). Cooperation between China and the Republic of Korea in the environmental sphere and its impact on the East Asian region. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 147(2), 154–163. Retrieved from



Regional Studies