“One Belt, One Road” initiative: a comparative analysis of the project implementation in the Central Asian countries
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The idea of connecting Europe and Asia by transcontinental routes is not new. The
term «New Silk Road» has repeatedly been heard from the Middle East, Europe, and the United
States. But only China was able to offer specific frameworks for financing an abstract idea.
Nine years have passed since the presentation of the “One Belt, One Road” strategy by Chinese
President Xi Jinping.
This article is aimed at conducting a comparative analysis of the project results in the countries
of Central Asia.
The analysis of the results allows us to say with a great deal of optimism that participation in the
“One Belt, One Road” initiative contributes to the development of both continental ties in general
and noticeable dynamics in the Central Asian region in particular.
The results are not equal and are uneven. Some countries, such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and
Kyrgyzstan have been very successful in implementing projects under the initiative. In Tajikistan
and Turkmenistan, progress is slower due to political and national specifics. Nonetheless, there
have been certain results. The globalization and integration of transport infrastructure has
already brought significant benefits in many areas of industry and the economy, even those not
directly related to the OBOR projects