Main goals

Purpose of the publication:

To provide an opportunity for scholars, teachers, doctoral and master's students to publish the results of their fundamental and applied research of theoretical, applied and practical importance in the field of Political Science, International Relations, Regional Studies, Oriental Studies, and Turkology, to inform the domestic and international professional community about the latest results of scientific work.

The journal objectives:

- To provide the scientific community of Kazakhstan and foreign countries with the opportunity to exchange information on the results of scientific research, to familiarize readers with the best international practices of implementation of innovative developments;

- Organizing a platform for open scientific discussion, contributing to improving the quality of examination of scientific papers and theses;

- Approbation, improvement and adaptation of scientific methodology, clarification of terminology, assistance to scientists in conceptualizing complex and little-studied political science problems

- Application of interdisciplinary principle to introduce a versatile analysis of the specifics of modern political technologies and communications, domestic and foreign policy, peculiarities of international and interethnic relations, social and political processes in modern society

- Formation of conditions for network interaction of the professional community of the sphere of politics and analytics of Kazakhstan, preservation of continuity of their scientific schools;

- Ensuring publicity, the openness of the data of empirical research at the present stage, domestic and foreign scientists, obtained through sociological measurements, content analysis, focus groups, and expert interviews, etc;

- Improvement of authors' publication work in terms of ensuring compliance of articles with international standards and taking into account the rules of indexing and citation of foreign abstract databases Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal), Ulrichsweb, Citefactor Journals, CAS.

- Promotion of satisfaction of information and scientific needs of specialists-professionals, officials, public authorities, representatives of public associations, citizens, and organizations in the expert scientific assessment of current political processes in the country and the world.

- Promotion of humanization of civil political culture, education, and formation of the modern science of politics in Kazakhstan.

- Dissemination of achievements of actual political thought, development of professional relations and scientific cooperation between researchers, the scientific centers of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, coordination of activity with other editions, political and public institutions, establishments of higher education.

Subjects: The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, teachers, young scientists interested in current problems of Political Science, International Relations, Regional Studies, Oriental Studies, and Turkology. Retaining traditional adherence to the tasks of consolidation of Kazakhstan's political science community on the basis of a combination of applied differentiation and interdisciplinary connections of political science, the width of methodological approaches, the journal publishes researches in a wide range of subject-matter directions, the partial list of which includes

- theory and methodology of political science;

- comparative studies in political science;

- political sociology;

- political philosophy and political philosophy

- study of international relations and international security problems

- study of globalization processes in politics;

- study of political culture, political ideology and political identity, identity politics

- problems of integration processes in the world;

- study of policies regulating interethnic and inter-ethnic conflicts and nation-building problems in the contemporary world;

- institutional political science;

- study of the party and political systems and political regimes;

- regional policy studies;

- applied political science;

- applied research in Oriental Studies and Turkic Studies;

- conflict and security studies;

- policy analysis and forecasting of public administration issues;

- impact of digitalization on socio-political processes in society;

- history of international relations;

- theory of international relations;

- contemporary issues of international relations and foreign policy;

- current global and regional security issues;

- contemporary issues of global economics and regional studies;

- current problems of Oriental Studies and Turkic Studies.

Following the above principles and content and subject priorities is important when making an expert decision on the publication of a manuscript in a journal.