For reviewers


on receiving articles and sending reviews through the website of the journal "Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov ENU. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series"

The editorial board of the journal sends the letter to reviewers about the received article for consideration. For successful work and to facilitate your work with the site, we offer you short instructions.

Step 1. Go to the journal website, select "Login" in the upper right corner, and enter your login and password in the "Login" tab. The system will ask you to change and remember your password. After filling in the appropriate fields of the form click "Save".

Step 2. You will find the article on the "Submitted Materials" page. Click "View" on the "Review Assignment" line. 

Step 3. On the page that opens: Download the submitted article.

When you are finished with the article, attach the finished file with the review (in Word or PDF format) in the "Upload File" field.

Fields "comments for author and editor", and "for the editor" are optional.

It is obligatory to fill in the field "Recommendation" - you have to choose one of the options according to your decision on the article:

Accept the article

need revision

Send for review again

Reject the article.

Step 4. If you have completed the review process, click on the "Send Review" button.

This completes the review process. Thank you for your assistance!