The impact of conflicts in world politics on the values of modern society
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In the article, the author considers the topic of the impact of conflicts in international politics and
how events in the world affect the values of society. The world is familiar with conflicts since the emergence of life
on earth. The reasons for the conflicts were religious, cultural, ethnic, territorial, and ideological contradictions.
In the history of international relations and political science, one of the long-standing contradictions was the
bipolar world, in which the acute problems of two ideologies arose: communism and capitalism. The collapse of
the Soviet Union and the formation of newly independent states influenced a change in values in society, a change
in a new world order, and the emergence of new conflicts not only of political, but also of cultural, economic,
and gender nature. The political interests of states and the active participation of society in the formation of new
value orientations lead to a conflict of interest in which conflicts arise. The purpose of the article is how conflicts
in world politics affect the values of society and how this affects international relations.