The motif of naming in Turkish heroic epics

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  • G.T. Zhiembaeva


initiation, Turkic peoples, heroic epics, batyr, feat.


A special place in the rich folk heritage of the Turkic peoples, formed over many centuries, is
occupied by heroic epics. In the heroic epics, which reflect not only the history but also the spirit of nationhood,
heroism, freedom, there are such motifs as birth, initiation, the first feat, the selection of the horse of the warrior, etc.
this article considers the motive of the initiation of the warrior.
The ceremony of initiation of the child after his birth is a particularly important procedure and in the Turkic
heroic epics it occupies a special place. In the epics of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia and Siberia, the desired,
long-awaited by parents and people child is not supposed to give the usual name. In epics, the names of such children
are associated with their exploits and achievements.



How to Cite

Zhiembaeva Г. . (2019). The motif of naming in Turkish heroic epics. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 129(4), 54–60. Retrieved from



Political Sciences