Taiwanese Factor In Modern American-Chinese Relations

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  • S. Makhammaduly


“Taiwan Question”, Taiwan, China, USA, Republic of China, D. Trump, Ma Yingjeou, “think tanks” of the USA.


The article analyzes the historical foundations, current state, and prospects of the
development of dialogue between the shores of the Taiwan Strait. The research of US analytical
centers on the prospects of the development of US-Chinese relations and the «Taiwan Question»
is examined. Over the decades of virtually separate development, with the serious influence of
the United States, radical changes have taken place in the political culture of the citizens of the
Republic of China. The so-called “Taiwanese mentality” is being formed on the island, and the
idea of Taiwan’s sovereignty is becoming more and more popular.



How to Cite

Makhammaduly С. (2020). Taiwanese Factor In Modern American-Chinese Relations. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 132(3), 76–82. Retrieved from https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/552



Political Sciences