Comparative analyses of Kyrgyz, Turkish, Russian phraseological units

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  • Ch.T. Sydykova


phraseological expressions, proverbs, sayings, national character, value, linguistic picture of the world, thinking, linguistic culture.


The research is conducted on the material of phraseological expressions of communicative nature
- proverbs and sayings of Kyrgyz, Turkish and Russian languages, which will be subjected to comparative
analysis in order to identify similarities and differences in the perception of the world, the definition of national
character, national and cultural values of these ethnic groups. Proverbs and sayings are extremely brief, they do
not give a detailed image of life. But only one statement or phrase built n well-aimed figurative forms, expresses
a general opinion about this or that phenomenon of life. Comparative analysis of phraseological units in
different languages revealed similarities and differences in the perception of the world by their representatives:
Kyrgyz, Turks and Russians. The number and quality of phraseological expressions, reflecting a positive or
negative assessment of the concepts presented for analysis, can be considered as an indicator of accepted in society ethical norms of behavior, the rules of social life, the attitude of the ethnic group through its culture and
language to the world.



How to Cite

Sydykova Ч. . (2020). Comparative analyses of Kyrgyz, Turkish, Russian phraseological units. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 133(4), 139–148. Retrieved from



Political Sciences