Actual problems of education in the Eurasian region in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century (On the example of Russia and Mongolia)

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  • Т.А. Artamonova


Россия, Монголия, система государственного образования, евразийский регион, ценности, глобалистская унификация.


The trajectories of the development of the state education system in Russia
and Mongolia in the twentieth century had similar trends. They reflected the common
problems and achievements of building the foundations of public education. Currently, these
countries are faced with the problem of denationalization and defundamentalization of the
public education system. Special research attention is required by the fact of the devaluation
of higher education with an increasing demand for it among young people. Russia and Mongolia are experiencing the influence of globalization and Westernization, which threatens
to result in the loss of pan-Eurasian values in education today. Common Eurasian values
include good neighborliness, a strong and friendly family, peace, mutual assistance, and
respect for the natural principle. These values will make it possible to resist the globalist
unification onslaught and the destruction of national identity. The common life priorities of
the peoples of Eurasia have united them for centuries over national, cultural, and religious
differences. The researchers note that even in the new geopolitical conditions, the
complementarity of interethnic relations between Russian and Mongolian youth persists.
These data were obtained during interdisciplinary research among students of the Altai
Territory of Russia and the Khovda Aimag of Mongolia. The article provides
recommendations for strengthening cooperation between the countries of the Eurasian region
in the field of education.



How to Cite

Artamonova Т. . (2021). Actual problems of education in the Eurasian region in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century (On the example of Russia and Mongolia). Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 135(2), 106–114. Retrieved from



Oriental Studies