The scientific and expert support of cooperation between America and South Korea
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scientific support, the U.S.-SouthKorea alliance, allies, cooperation, security partnership, military power, expert viewAbstract
Throughouthistory,therelationsbetweenAmericaandSouthKoreahavebeenconsidered friendly. The Republic of Korea undoubtedly is one of the fastest developing countriesof the XXI century. The latest achievement in the economical, scientific, and technical progressof South Korea is impossible to be left unnoticed. However, according to different opinions madebyexpertsallovertheWorld,thereisanideathatthemainreasonforsuchprogressisconcernedwith mutual cooperation, existing between America and South Korea. As generally known, thiscooperationismainlyd irectedtoeconomicsandmilitaryactiv itiesbetweenthem,andthesebasicdirections are becoming one the matters of dispute between the rivalry of China and America.Thuswise, it is clear fact that the future geopolit ical situat ion in the Asian-Pac ific region alsodependsontheprogressorregressintherelationsbetweenSouthKoreaandAmerica.This article is aimed to analyze various experts’ and scientists’ opinions about the cooperationbetweentheUnitedStatesofAmericaandtheRepublicofK orea.Theresearchershavebeenchosenamong experts from several Western countries, including research institutions and think tanks.There were used various scientific methods of preparing the article as data selection, literaturereview, systematization of the gained information, and analysisof varied op inions and thoughtsof the leading experts’ conclusion in the frame of the given topic. Therefore, using the mentionedabove methods, the authors of the given article had a try to analyze and compare these scientists’pointsof view to find out their common points dueto the issue of the article.