Activities of Kazakhstan on general disarmament

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  • А.А. Benke


world community, nuclear non-proliferation regime, International anti-nuclear movement, Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, nuclear weapons testing, nuclear facilities, National Nuclear Center.


The whole world knows that with the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, Kazakhstan was the first in the world to refuse nuclear weapons. By its unprecedented decision, which has no analogsin the world, the Republic of Kazakhstan has earned themoral right to demand the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons throughout the world and call upon the states that are members of the nuclear club to make the same decision.The article presents the results of deep scientific research of literature and scientific articles on the activities of Kazakhstan in the field of general disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which made it possible to present an overall picture of the current state of the problem.The ban on nuclear weapons testing has become global. During 30 years of struggle for a nuclear-free world, Kazakhstan hasbeendoinga lot of work on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons throughout the world. The following initiatives allow all countries, regardless of their political, economic, and military capabilities, to participate in the discussion and resolution of the critical issues involved in abandoning nuclear weapons and developing projects for the peaceful use of atomic energy.The materials of this article can be used for further scientific research of Kazakhstan's position on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as for conducting classes with students and cadets on the disciplines "Modern History of Kazakhstan" and "Political Science".      



How to Cite

Benke А. . (2022). Activities of Kazakhstan on general disarmament. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series., 139(2), 18–32. Retrieved from



Political Sciences