Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main <p>The journal is included in the list of editions recommended by the Сommittee for Quality Assuranse in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Sciense and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from 19.07.2021 Order No.597)</p> <p><strong>ISSN:</strong> 2616-6887, <strong>eISSN:</strong> 2617-605X</p> <p><strong>Publisher:</strong> L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University</p> <p><strong>Certificate of registration</strong> <a href="https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/4">No. KZ05VPY00032822</a> from 24.02.2021</p> <p><strong>Thematic area:</strong> Political Sciences, International Relations, Regional Studies, Oriental Studies, Turkology.</p> <p><strong>Languages of publications:</strong> Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish, Arabic.</p> <p><strong>Frequency:</strong> 4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Subscription Index:</strong> 76099</p> <p> </p> Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті en-US Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. 2616-6887 Edigei in the cycle of epics about “Forty Batyrs”: the history of studying versions and variants https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/833 <p style="font-weight: 400;">The epic event “Girch Batyrs” (“Forty Batyrs”), traditional for the Kazakh literary environment, consists of three different cycles: “Anshibai Batyr and His Descendants”, “Karadon Batyr and His Descendants”, “Zhyry about Different Batyrs”. The cyclization of the epics about Edigei and his descendants is included in the cycle “Anshibai Batyr and His Descendants”, which is the first of three rings of the cyclization “Forty Batyrs”. The epics included in this series are dedicated to heroes who came from the Mangit clan and in many cases were historical figures. Cyclization is a poetic expression of the story of the Golden Horde and its successor, the Nogai Horde.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The cyclization “Forty Batyrs” contains almost all the heroic epics of the Golden Horde and the Nogai Horde. Which versions of the epic will be included in the cyclization depends on the zhirav-storytellers. Medieval chronicles, manuscripts of this period and other written sources examine in detail the active role of these epic heroes in the medieval historical scene. The main content of the epic tells about the freedom of the Nogai people, the safety and well-being of the people, they defend themselves and their homeland from the attacks of the Kalmyks and the army of the Qizilbash, which often attacked them.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The main core of the first of the three links of the cyclization is the saga “Edigei”. In fact, the story of Edigei and his descendants forms the basis of the cycle “Forty Batyrs”. All the sagas that followed him were dedicated to people belonging to his genealogy.</p> G.F. Shakhriyar Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 263 278 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-263-278 Dombra: Types, Distribution Area, and Its Role in Epic Art https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/831 <div> <p class="show"><span lang="EN-US">The dombra is a musical instrument that plays a significant role in the cultures of Turkic peoples (Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Bashkirs, Nogais, Tatars, Lakais) and several other ethnic groups (Tajiks, Kalmyks, Hazaras). This article examines not the use of the dombra in instrumental music, but its role in the art of epic singing. This topic has not been specifically studied from a scholarly perspective before. The author utilizes photo, audio, and written materials collected during foreign research trips to scientific centers, museums, and informants. Some information about the dombra was recorded on video by Uzbek bakhshis. The specifics of dombra craftsmanship are discussed based on the experience of masters. The connection between the dombra and shamanic practices, as well as the tradition of its veneration among epic singers, is explored. The article presents hypotheses about the origin of the name "dombra" and corresponding opinions. The article uses comparative-historical, synchronic, and structural-functional research methods.</span> <span lang="EN-US">The research results demonstrate that the traditional oral poetry of Turkic peoples was created in conjunction with music, and that epic singers and improvising poets performed their works accompanied by musical instruments, including the dombra. The geographical area of the instrument's distribution is found to be quite extensive.</span></p> </div> A.Zh. Sharip Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 279 298 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-279-298 Kazak türkçesi güney bölgesi ağızlarında ünlülerin durumu https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/792 <p style="font-weight: 400;">Bir dilin tarihi dönemlerini, değişik dil bilgisi şekillerini ve söz varlığını izleyebileceğimiz en önemli yollardan biri de ağızlardan geçmektedir. Bu sayede dillerin tarihi gelişim süreçlerini tespit etmek daha bir mümkün hale gelmektedir. Ağızlarla ilgili yapılan çalışma ve ortaya konulan materyaller ağız atlaslarının oluşturulmasında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Dillerden elde edilen malzemeleri çıkararak atlaslarının çıkarılması, birbirine uzak coğrafyalarda hayatını sürdüren lehçelerin birbiriyle mukayeseli çalışmalar yapılmasına da olanak sağlar. Bu bağlamda Türk dilinin muhtelif coğrafyalarında yapılan ağız araştırmaları daha da önem arz etmektedir. Türk dili ve lehçelerinin henüz aydınlatılamamış bazı meselelerine çözüm olabileceği düşüncesiyle çalışmamızda Kazakistan’ın güney bölgesindeki Türkistan ve Kızılorda vilayetleri arasında yaşayan Kazak Türklerinin ağız özelliklerini temel almış bulunmaktayız. Söz konusu ağız ünlüleri durumu bakımından incelenecek ve standart Kazak Türkçesinden farklılıkları ortaya konulacaktır.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Sovyetler Birliği’nin siyasi baskılarına uzun yıllar maruz kalan Kazak Türkçesinin ağızlarına ait diyalektoloji çalışmaları yeteri kadar gelişme gösterememiştir. Toplumdaki siyasi baskı Türkolojinin çalışma imkanlarını da kısıtlamıştır. Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılması sonrası Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti’nin bağımsızlığını ilan etmesiyle beraber Kazak Türkçesinin diyalektoloji araştırma ve incelemelerinde bir ivmelenme söz konusudur. Son otuz yıldır Kazak Türkçesinin diyalektleri üzerinde birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu noktadan hareketle dilin kendine özgü özelliklerinin kayıt altına alınması, dildeki değişmenin takip edilmesi ve söz varlığının tespiti bu açıdan çok önemlidir.</p> K.B. Semiz Zh.B. Ibragimov Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 299 307 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-299-307 Aspects of studying the vocabulary of the Turkic languages https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/832 <div> <pre><span class="translation-word"><span lang="EN-US">The article examines the features of phonetic, morphological, semantic development and changes of some words found in the Turkic languages. When studying the basic vocabulary of the Turkic languages, various phonetic patterns and phenomena are important. The patterns revealed in science in recent years attest to this. The article focuses on the fact that the study of the phonetic, morphological, semantic sides of the lexeme, considering it in unity when finding the etymology of the word, leads to a great result. Therefore, the analysis taking into account phono-morpho-semantic patterns is a complex work. The article discusses the use of the words root and stem of a plant in modern Turkic languages. Sound and semantic changes in the word are considered. The correspondence of vowel and consonant sounds and phonetic features of each Turkic languages are analyzed. The composition of words is divided into the root and the attachment of affixes. The etymological assumptions of scientists about the origin of these words are analyzed. It also examines which phrases originated in the modern Kazakh language from the words root and stem.</span></span></pre> </div> B. Kulzhanova A. Zhuzbayeva N. Ilyassova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 308 318 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-308-318 Review of Gender Antiparemies in the Kazakh Language on the Instagram Network https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/712 <p style="font-weight: 400;">The article is devoted to some gender antiparemias in the Kazakh language, distributed on Instagram. The research work examined gender antiparemias in the Kazakh Instagram network and gave their descriptions. Within the framework of the topic, the collected materials were analyzed, the content, value and structure were analyzed. During the discussion, the pragmatic influence of antiparemias on society was determined using a statistical method. The content and purpose of creating antiparemias is explained, and a characteristic comparable to traditional invariants is given. The description took into account lexico-semantic and syntactic features and made ethnolinguistic conclusions about the sources and reasons for the emergence of proverbs. When determining the motives for the creation of some antiproverbs and the traditional structure of Kazakh proverbs, logical analyzes and techniques were used.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">A comprehensive study of paremias should consist of the following stages: analysis of research works and existing analyses, compilation of an explanatory and functional dictionary of paremias, as well as the greatest possible depth in the etymology of paremias based on the compiled dictionary. This allows us to determine the origin and semantics of paremias. Determine the morphological, syntactic and logical structure of paremias, which have so far been classified by thematic groups, and create an algorithm of the traditional Kazakh system of thinking based on the collected data. Only after such steps can the paremic fund be revived and play a key role in determining national knowledge and thinking.</p> O.K. Abdirov K.T. Bibekov Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 319 338 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-319-338 Shamanism as a Cultural and Religious Phenomenon: Traditions and Social Role among Turkic and Chinese Peoples https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/790 <p>This article is dedicated to the study of shamanism as an important component of the spiritual and cultural traditions of various peoples, with a focus on Turkic and Siberian ethnic groups. Shamanism, as a form of religious practice, represents a unique system of beliefs and rituals based on interaction with spirits and supernatural forces, as well as the role of the shaman as a mediator between the human world and the spirit world. The article examines the common features of shamanic practices among different peoples, including their rituals and the social role of the shaman in society. Special attention is given to the study of the role of shamanism in the formation of religious beliefs and social structures among the Turkic peoples and the peoples of Siberia.</p> <p>The purpose of the study is to systematize existing knowledge about shamanic traditions, identify their common traits and specific features, and analyze the influence of shamanism on the spiritual life and social organization of the Turkic and Chinese peoples. The methodology of the research includes historical-analytical, comparative, ethnographic, sociological, and psychological approaches. The article presents the results of an analysis of shamanic practices, their evolution, and changes in the context of social and religious transformations. </p> <p>The results of this work may be useful for further study of shamanism within the context of cultural and religious systems, as well as for understanding the social and spiritual role of shamans in traditional societies. The article contributes to the development of anthropology, ethnography, and cultural studies, expanding the understanding of shamanism as a crucial part of the world’s cultural heritage. </p> Sh.D. Burkitbaeva A.E. Shargynova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 228 239 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-228-239 Semantics of Mongolian words found in the work “Shezhire-i terakime” https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/705 <p>The study of the lexical layer of historical works and poems in the linguistic aspect plays an important role in determining the history of the formation and development of a language. Taking into account this significance, the work of Abulgazy Bahadur Khan “Shezhire-i terakime”, written in the 17th century, was considered as the object of study. During the study, Mongolian elements were analyzed from a comparative historical point of view, semantic commonalities and differences between the Turkic and Mongolian languages were identified. In addition to Turkic and Mongolian elements, Arabic and Persian words are found in its lexical layer. In historical linguistics, scientific views related to the historical formation and the penetration of Mongolisms into the Turkic languages are still being considered at a hypothetical level. The research article also conducts a lexical-semantic analysis of the words shyrai, daruga, kurultai, sheshen in the work “Shezhire-i terakime”. The usage of the analyzed words in a figurative or literal sense, phonetic, morphological features of the Turkic and Mongolian languages are studied. In order to increase the scientific significance of the article, examples from aphorisms, proverbs and sayings in the Turkic and Mongolian languages are given. In determining the etymology of Mongolian elements, scientific and theoretical conclusions and opinions of Altaic scientists and Turkologists are analyzed. Semantic, etymological analysis of linguistic units found in the work “Shezhire-i Terakime” serves as the basis for determining the historical continuity between the written Chagatai language and the Kazakh language.</p> K.K. Kenzhalin D.A. Baltabay Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 240 251 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-240-251 Izafet Constructions in the Monument "Gulistan Bit Turki" (Syntactic and Semantic Analysis) https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/752 <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.4pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 14.0pt;">This article analyzes the semantics of izafet constructions in the "Gulistan bit Turki" monument. The research focuses on studying the syntactic structures of Turkic written monuments, particularly izafet constructions, to gain a deeper understanding of the semantic aspects of the syntactic system of Turkic languages of that period. Izafet constructions help determine the semantic connections between objects, phenomena, and concepts in the language, thus playing a significant role in Turkic linguistics. The aim of the study is to identify the semantic features of izafet relations in the "Gulistan bit Turki" text and analyze their grammatical and semantic connections. By distinguishing the types of izafet constructions (I, II, III), the study examines the use of possessive, subordinate, and metaphorical meanings and their semantic roles in the written monument. Structural-semantic, historical-comparative, contextual, and syntactic analysis methods are employed in this research. These methods allow for an examination of the semantic aspects of izafet constructions in the text. The semantic analysis of izafet constructions helps explain the fundamental principles of the syntactic system of Turkic languages and reveals the linguistic value of this monument. The research findings can be applied in linguistics, literary studies, and cultural studies. The study offers a comprehensive analysis of the semantics of izafet relations in "Gulistan bit Turki" and demonstrates their importance in shaping the semantic system of Turkic languages. This research makes a significant contribution to the deeper understanding of the historical aspects of the syntactic structure of Turkic languages.</span></p> A.S. Zinedina M.Zh. Eskindirova L. Yespekova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 252 262 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-252-262 The Northern Ireland Protocol and the Windsor Framework as Parts of the Withdrawal Agreement of Brexit https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/189 <p>The article discusses trade issues between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, since the UK is now a member-state of the European Union. The main documents and main aspects have been analyzed, and the key items have been fully investigated. In order to address the particular circumstances on the island of Ireland, to maintain the prerequisites for continued North-South cooperation, to avoid a hard border, and to protect the 1998 Agreement in all its dimensions, the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland was created. Additionally, it seeks to defend the EU single market. While applying the EU Customs Code, Northern Ireland is nonetheless included in the UK’s customs territory. Norther Ireland continues to participate in the EU single market and follows all applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, the area is still a part of the Single Electricity Market. There is still a Common Travel Area between the UK and Ireland.</p> A.M. Yesdauletova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 9 18 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-9-18 The Current State of Digital Policy In The Republic Of Kazakhstan https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/176 <p>The article examines the problem of the prospective application of the concept of digitalization in various spheres of social development, primarily in the political sphere from the point of view of the formation of the digital economy. The use of digital technologies in politics is viewed through the prism of two discourses: the digitization of politics is the policy of digitization associated with the expansion of technology into political relations and political management of digital development in the economy and social sphere. The first discourse highlights the mechanisms for determining political interests through electronic appeals to social networks and online voting. Within the framework of the discourse of digitalization policy, the creation of a management system for the development of the digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered in connection with the implementation of one of the national goals of the country for the period 2018-2022. regulatory activities of the state as a whole to ensure the rapid introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere, as well as the formation of the foundations of appropriate policy, namely, efforts to form and create their own national model of managing processes in the digital space. Both discourses demonstrate a tendency to a deep synthesis of the processes of technological and social development, which makes the latter connected by roots that lose their dependence on the mediating functions of traditional institutions. The growing importance of digital formats in world politics forces the state to mobilize various available tools to reduce the risks of competition in the new space of social relatio</p> A. Amirbek Е. Ongarova G. Syzdykova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 19 31 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-19-31 Water security decision-making issues in Central Asia https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/257 <p>The article is devoted to the study of the sources of endogenous uncertainty in water resources management on the example of the Central Asian states. The study focuses on endogenous uncertainties arising in the decision-making system and identifies key factors for their mitigation, including data availability and analysis, sustainable infrastructure and expanded capacity. The study recognizes the potential increase in exogenous uncertainty caused by limited cross-border cooperation, the effects of climate change and the growing need for water. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding the nature and consequences of uncertainties. Thus, the Central Asian countries can make more informed decisions and work towards achieving sustainable water security in the region.</p> <p>In the Central Asian republics, water security is becoming increasingly important due to the uncertainty and risks associated with climate change and the growing demand for water. This is compounded by growing disputes over important complex transboundary river basins, interconnected water and energy infrastructure in the Aral Sea basin, water distribution between riparian countries and the vulnerability of water resources to climate change. It is assumed that the adoption of effective decisions at all levels concerning the allocation and management of water resources will contribute to achieving water security.</p> A.E. Prniyazova A. Dalelkhan H. Gusseinova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 32 49 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-32-49 Analysis of the prospects for cooperation between the CICA and the SCO in ensuring Asian security https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/759 <p>This article examines the role and significance of the regional structures of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the context of ensuring security and stability in the Asian region. The authors of this article used both classical theories of international relations, such as realism and liberalism, and theories such as the comprehensive theory of regional security, dependence theory, geopolitical theory and the concept of confidence-building measures.</p> <p>The article provides a comparative analysis of the approaches of the two structures separately on the basis of regulatory documents, highlighting the effectiveness of their activities, as well as problematic aspects and prospects in the context of challenges threatening Asian security. The article first provides a historical overview of the evolution of the development of the CICA and SCO organizations, then illustrates their approaches in the context of Asian security factors independently. Both CICA and the SCO play crucial roles in fostering cooperation and addressing security concerns in Asia, with participants actively contributing to the development and implementation of regional initiatives and policies.</p> <p>Comparing the approaches of these two structures in the context of ensuring Asian security, the authors identified common features and a number of differences within the certain criteria. To achieve the goal, the authors used comparative and historical methods, as well as the method of spatial analysis. The authors analyzed a number of works by both Kazakh and foreign researchers.</p> O.A. Baisalbek L.M. Nurdavletova F.T. Kukeyeva Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 50 69 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-50-69 Exploring China’s evolving strategic priorities in Central Asia: XXI century perspective https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/354 <p>Considering the intricate and comprehensive nature of the international relations landscape in the current century, the heightened economic and diplomatic initiatives by the People’s Republic of China in Central Asia gain significant relevance and emerge as a subject for scholarly discourse. In the process of delving into this comprehensive and dynamic interaction, it is imperative to examine and consider a myriad of diverse factors. After all, strategic interests are not static, and they have a propensity to evolve over time. In this context, China, with its strategic interests in Central Asia, is no exception, as they too undergo evolution. In this article, the authors attempt to analyze the decryption of key factors behind the intensification of Chinese initiatives in Central Asia and explore how these factors align with its broader regional and global strategies. Thus, this article attempts to address the research question: What are the key factors driving China's increasing economic and political engagement in Central Asia, and how do they align with its broader strategic interests?</p> I.Kh. Supyaldiyarov S.K. Aliyeva Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 70 82 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-70-82 The formation of urbanization and agglomeration impact on local government https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/704 <p>This article examines the impact of urbanization and agglomeration processes on the local governance system. The intensive development of urbanization and agglomeration significantly affects the functioning of administrative-territorial structures, the methods of operation of local governance bodies, and their efficiency. The article analyzes mechanisms for addressing local issues within agglomeration boundaries, the necessity of implementing project management, and the importance of interagency coordination. Furthermore, it explores the potential for applying new methods and strategies in decision-making processes by local governance bodies under conditions of urbanization. Recommendations are provided to accelerate regional development and improve the quality of life for the population by effectively leveraging the benefits of agglomeration.</p> <p>Currently, the management of urban agglomerations in Kazakhstan does not conform to any established governance model. Cities serving as the centers of urban agglomerations are managed by city administrations, while settlements included in the agglomeration are subordinated to regional administrations. This structure hinders the comprehensive consideration of agglomerations as unified urbanized entities. Additionally, vast distances significantly complicate the lives of residents.<br />Despite the close daily interaction between local residents and urban centers, these connections are virtually unaccounted for in the state governance system. In such a management framework, the integrity of the agglomeration area is disrupted, and the potential for fostering positive agglomeration effects remains unrealized.</p> M.A. Bolysbek B.B. Byulegenova O. Toremuratov Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 83 99 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-83-99 Women's participation in Turkiye's politics: obstacles and challenges https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/750 <p>The article examines the obstacles faced by women in Turkiye who pursuit of political involvement and leadership. It sheds light on the problems that still exist today despite the fact that Turkiye has made great positive changes regarding women's rights and gender equality. These obstacles are categorized into structural, institutional, and cultural obstacles. Each category is explored in depth, revealing how these barriers collectively impede women’s full participation in political life. Understanding these barriers is critical for several reasons. First, equitable political representation is the cornerstone of democratic governance, and removing barriers to women’s participation is essential to ensuring that diverse perspectives are included in decision-making processes. Second, persistent inequalities in political representation can reinforce broader gender biases, impacting women’s opportunities and influence across sectors. Furthermore, addressing these challenges can help build a more inclusive and representative political system, which is crucial for the legitimacy and effectiveness of democratic institutions. By highlighting these obstacles, the article underscores the need for continued efforts to address gender inequality in Turkish politics. The findings contribute to a broader understanding of the challenges women face in political life and provide insights into possible ways to achieve greater women’s participation in political representation.</p> N.N. Kairanbayeva D.N. Zhantoreyeva Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 100 108 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-100-108 Higher education as a tool of soft power: Kazakhstan case https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/753 <p>The field of higher education is one of the main instruments of any country's soft power policy. At the present stage of world development, "soft power" under the influence of the globalization process is becoming the main factor of influence. States not only do not enter into global political competition with the power of military, political, and economic resources, but also compete in their achievements in the field of culture, art, science, technology, and education. Therefore, all countries of the world pay attention to the development of education and science. All universities of the world are interested in attracting creative, creative youth. The urgency of the need for intellectual youth is increasing every year. After all, educated youth is the basis of the country's development. Due to the fact that students create the integration of education, the policy of soft power of the state is also implemented through higher education institutions. Creatively thinking, inquisitive, educated youth actively study the language of the visited country, get acquainted with the achievements of science and culture during the exchange of knowledge. Students become valuable social capital of the country in which they study, acquire new accumulated knowledge, connections, a new environment and become effective suppliers of the language and culture of this country. As a result, the role of higher education as a tool of "soft power" turns out to be much higher than in other fields. Therefore, each state implements a policy of soft power through the higher education system. In this context, each State has its own policy and priority strategy.</p> M.K. Dyusembekova K.D. Zhanpeisova N. Issayev Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 109 122 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-109-122 Population Aging in Kazakhstan in the Context of Digital Transformation: political-legal and literature review https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/313 <p>The modern world is in continuous development, with new trends, processes, and challenges facing global communities. One such process is the ageing of the population. Currently, Kazakhstan stands at the threshold of changes in the age structure of society. Therefore, preventive measures can adjust the projected economic and social difficulties associated with the ageing process. It is evident that improving the quality of life for the elderly is a priority, and this involves enhancing medical and social care, as well as providing economic support for the elderly. However, a fulfilling life for the elderly is also impossible without their integration into the socio-political life of society, which is directly related to digitalization trends. Digital transformation is a global phenomenon and a reality of modern life. In Kazakhstan, obtaining medical, social, legal, financial, and other services is implemented through various electronic applications, such as damumed.kz, eGov.kz, kaspi.kz, and others, which is only a small part of the overall digitization process. Full integration of the third generation into the digital space can positively impact their quality of life, fostering more active participation in the social and political life of the state and contributing to their overall well-being. For systemic changes in this area, a comprehensive analysis of the existing policy and legal framework, categorical apparatus, the level of scientific interest in the issues, and the state initiatives regulating the situation of the elderly population in Kazakhstan is necessary. Thus, the goal of this article is to analyze the policy and legal framework of population ageing in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the digital transformation of society.</p> M.B. Zhanarstanova Ye.D. Dossymkhan A.D. Kaldybekova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 123 142 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-123-142 The role of international organizations in ensuring regional security in Central Asia: using the example of the SCO and NATO https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/699 <p>This article explores the role of the SCO and NATO in ensuring security and stability in Central Asia. It delves into the key influences of economic and geopolitical processes on the region's development. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of combating terrorism, extremism, and drug trafficking through multilateral cooperation mechanisms. The SCO is presented as a platform for fostering collaboration between regional states and major powers such as China and Russia. At the same time, NATO plays a significant role in modernizing defense systems and enhancing resilience through partnership programs and international cooperation. The article highlights the contrasting approaches and geopolitical interests of these organizations, which create competitive dynamics in the region. The importance of balanced and constructive engagement with international institutions is underscored as a crucial factor for sustainable development and security. Practical recommendations are offered for deepening multilateral cooperation while aligning the interests of all parties. The authors emphasize the need for strategic coordination to prevent potential conflicts. The article concludes by stressing the necessity of a comprehensive approach that considers the influence of both the SCO and NATO for the long-term development of Central Asia.</p> N.O. Akkozhina K.G. Darkenov Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 143 155 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-143-155 The "Afghan issue" within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/301 <p>The article will focus on the "Afghan issue", which has a very important geostrategic role within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In order to understand the problem more deeply, first we are talking about historical facts that explain the internal state of Afghanistan. Among them there will be a talk about the war with the USSR, the civil war inside the country and the wars against the united group of foreign troops. It tells about the return to power of the Taliban group. In addition, it is noted what changes took place in the country when the Taliban came to power. Importance is attached to changing the balance of power in the region. That is, we are talking about the competition of states creating a new influence on Afghanistan, freed from the United States. It will tell about the initiatives and projects implemented between the Member States and the new authorities of Afghanistan. The main importance is attached to agreements with the Central Asian States. By the end of the article, we will talk about the Samarkand SCO Summit. In addition, signed agreements will be listed. Finally, a conclusion is made by combining all the collected material.</p> G.U. Birimkulova N.Zh. Zhomart Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 156 170 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-156-170 Migration as a factor of aggravation of ethno-confessional situation in the host country https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/223 <p>The article considers one of the most pressing problems - migration, associated with unfavorable socio-psychological climate of the host country and insufficient competence of the authorities in decision-making to regulate the migration process. Statistics show that this process is intensifying. At the same time, the most important issue for many countries at present is to determine the level of impact of migration on their further development. As a rule, the problem is that a country accepts migrants when the local population is not ready to accept guests from other territories. Consequently, there is a need to resolve this situation. Thus, the question remains open how to build a channel of interconnection between the authorities, local residents and migrants pursuing their goals and objectives in a certain territory in order to more effectively prevent the problem of aggravation of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional conflicts due to the inevitable growth of migration. Tolerance, which directly depends on the state's policy towards migrants, plays no small role here. For example, a relatively high level of tolerance of the population of a number of European countries towards migrants was shown by the survey data of local residents and migrants living in Europe for more than 5-10 years. However, in the absence of a clearly defined and consistent state policy aimed at the integration and adaptation of migrants, the level of tolerance of the local population has been declining over time. Migration is a complex phenomenon that requires further research and updating of theoretical approaches to the study of this issue.</p> L.B. Korigova S.K. Kushkumbayev K.I. Koblandin Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 171 181 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-171-181 Experience of the European Union in the formation of transport corridors https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/747 <p>The article is devoted to the study of the experience of the European Union in the formation of transport corridors. The geographical density of Western Europe determines the need for efficient cargo delivery systems that will minimize financial and time costs, as well as risks during transportation. This has led to the development of international programs and national projects based on the principles of logistics. The European Union has succeeded in creating an integrated transport system, which reflects the success of the policy pursued in this area. Today, there is an interest in international experience in the field of integration. The development of transport infrastructure is a key factor in this process, as it allows for the creation of more efficient and integrated economic unions. An interesting research object in this context is the experience of the European Union, which is an integration association with the deepest degree of integration. It is necessary to identify and summarize the patterns associated with the formation and functioning of European international transport corridors, which are key routes for international trade. The author highlights the main elements that contribute to attracting export and import flows of goods through transport corridors passing through the European Union. The integration of the transport market and the implementation of a coordinated transport policy are the cornerstones of the creation of a single market for goods and services. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using the experience of the European Union in the formation of international transport corridors by the Eurasian Economic Union in terms of the mechanism for launching projects at the local level, their mandatory co-financing, as well as the adoption of special program documents to coordinate the development of one or more interconnected international transport corridors.</p> G.Zh. Kulyntay R.B. Abdullin Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 182 192 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-182-192 Analysis of the degree of influence of the media on the political consciousness of the population: preferences and trust (regional aspect) https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/571 <p>The article discusses the degree of influence of the media on the political consciousness of the population of Pavlodar region. The authors noted that in any modern political system, the media perform a number of important functions: informational, ideological, educational, integration, criticism, control, constitution and association of political subjects, mobilization and the most important influence, management and manipulation. The political influence of the media is carried out through the impact on the consciousness, mind and feelings of a person. In all democratic states (including the Republic of Kazakhstan), a rational model of mass communications prevails, designed to convince people with the help of information and argumentation built in accordance with the laws of logic. This model corresponds to the prevailing type of mentality and political culture of the society. It involves a joint struggle between different media in order to achieve the attention and trust of the audience.</p> <p>In such countries, it is de jure forbidden to use the media to incite racial, national, class and religious hatred and antagonism. However, even here, various political forces often replace the emotional impact with the promotion of their ideas and values.</p> <p>For this reason, the article is mainly focused on the ability of the media to serve various political purposes: managing information flows, strengthening political decisions, political PR, information lobbying. The authors conclude that, realizing the impact of modern information technologies and virtual information space on public opinion and political processes, government officials successfully use virtual communication with citizens.</p> <p>In preparing the article, the authors used the results of a sociological survey «Studying the degree of influence of the media in Pavlodar region» conducted by the authors and the research group of the NAO «Toraigyrov University», commissioned by the State Institution "Department of Information and Social Development of Pavlodar Region».</p> G.M. Kappassova М.А. Аltybassarova А.I. Begimtayev Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 193 204 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-193-204 The role and significance of the Diaspora in the development of Kazakhstan https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/739 <p>The rapid growth of immigrant communities and their institutionalization forced people to talk about the "diasporization of the world" as one of the scenarios for the development of mankind. One way or another, this process is deepening and taking more and more new forms, while the role of diasporas and their influence on society is growing stronger. The discussion that has unfolded in the scientific community shows how many blank spots and questions remain in the study of this changing phenomenon and how great are the differences between researchers in understanding it.</p> <p>Today we are witnessing an increase in migration processes in the world, this process is accompanied by close interaction of immigrant ethnic communities. This situation is natural, since immigrants, having resettled, strive to be united, in the first years they are faced with the task, as a rule, of uniting in order not only to survive, but also to preserve their customs, traditions, and language. The above process forces them to join existing diasporas or create new ones. Every year the number of diasporas in the world is continuously increasing.</p> <p> It is an undeniable fact that diasporas have a significant impact on states. They influence the demographic structure, ethnic and confessional composition of the country. Diasporas not only preserve their traditions, customs, rituals, but often impose alien values on society.</p> <p> In the article, the authors not only analyze international experience in studying the role and significance of the diaspora, but also its influence on the development of the diaspora policy of Kazakhstan. Thus, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030 was adopted, which defines the goals and objectives for supporting the Kazakh diaspora and the Kazakh language abroad and signed a law on the regulation of migration processes.</p> R.Zh. Bekzhanova K.I. Koblandin Z.K. Kurmanov Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 205 216 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-205-216 Comparative analysis of energy strategies of Kazakhstan and the European Union https://bulpolit.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/746 <p>Kazakhstan strives to meet the growing energy consumption and ensure sustainable economic development through the efficient use of energy resources and the development of renewable energy sources. Achieving energy security is possible through the creation of diverse and sustainable systems with an emphasis on clean environmental energy sources. The orientation of the European Union's energy strategy is to ensure a sustainable, safe and environmentally friendly energy sector capable of providing energy supply and supporting economic growth in the long term. The main problem is the need to match the implementation of the energy policy to the existing needs of an individual state or regional association. A comparison of the energy strategies of Kazakhstan and the European Union indicates that they have similar goals, but the difference lies in the peculiarities of their geographical location, the level of the economy and the policy pursued. At the same time, the main similarity of the analyzed energy strategies is the preference for alternative energy sources, for example, wind and hydrogen energy, taking into account current trends in the development of Kazakhstan and the European Union. At the same time, the exchange of relevant experience, advanced technologies and successful practices of the member states of the European Union can stimulate dynamic development in this direction. The possibilities of practical application of biogas technology are also considered. The author concludes that it is advisable for Kazakhstan and the European Union to cooperate in the process of transition to renewable energy sources. The analysis of the strategic, economic and environmental features of the transition of the regional association of European countries and a separate state of the Central Asian region to alternative energy, which may be interesting for countries with similar aspirations in the global energy sector.</p> A.A. Adirbaeva A.N. Ospanova A.S. Konuratova Copyright (c) 2025 Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Political Science. Regional Studies. Oriental Studies. Turkology Series. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 149 4 217 227 10.32523/2616-6887-2024-149-4-217-227